Cookie Notice

Last updated June 15, 2024

This website uses cookies to better the user experience of its visitors. Where applicable, this website uses a cookie control system, allowing users to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their computer/device on their first visit to the website. This complies with recent legislative requirements for websites to obtain explicit consent from users before leaving behind or reading files such as cookies on a user’s computer/device.

Cookies are small files saved to a user’s computer/device hard drive that track, save, and store information about the user’s interactions and website use. They allow a website, through its server, to provide users with a tailored experience within the site.

Users are advised to take necessary steps within their web browser security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website to their computer’s/device’s hard drive.

Cookie Groups by Function

Necessary Cookies

Preference Cookies

Analytics Cookies

Marketing Cookies

Cookie Groups by Duration

Session Cookies

Persistent Cookies

Cookie Groups by Origin

First-party Cookies

Third-party Cookies

Additional Cookie Groups/Sub-categories

Security Cookies

Social Media Cookies

Functional Cookies

Content Personalization Cookies

Performance Cookies

Considerations for Further Classification

Name, types and purpose of cookies we use:

If you have any questions regarding your personal data, feel free to contact us via [email protected]

You can disable cookies in your browser, including deleting your browser history.

You can always change or block all or some cookies except those that are necessary for the site to function.

If you choose to block or delete cookies, some functionality of the site may be unavailable and the functionality of the site may be affected.

Cookie Deletion Guide for Users

This guide will help you manage your privacy and browsing experience by explaining how to delete cookies from your web browser. Cookies are small pieces of data used by websites to remember your preferences and track your online activity. Deleting them can help protect your privacy and clear some storage space on your device.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Deleting Cookies

Google Chrome (Android):

Google Chrome (iOS):

Google Chrome (desktop):

Mozilla Firefox:


Microsoft Edge (desktop):

Safari (iOS):

Safari (MacOS):

Explanation of Cookie Groups

For a more informed cookie management, it’s helpful to understand the different types of cookies used by websites:

When deciding whether to delete cookies, consider that:

This guide aims to provide you with the knowledge to manage cookies effectively, improving your overall internet privacy and security. Remember, deleting cookies will sign you out of websites and could affect your browsing experience by resetting site preferences.